Explained: Why last night’s big quake rocked some harder than others
Unveiling the Impact of a Recent Quake: A Tale of Topography and Geology
Felt Intensity: A North-South Divide
A glance at GeoNet's "felt map" reveals the uneven impact of the quake. Most reports trickled in from the southern North Island, including Taranaki and Hawke's Bay, while fewer emanated from the Taupō Volcanic Zone or further north.
"Shallow depth and spongy geology near Taupō absorbed much of the energy, minimizing the shaking felt there," explains seismologist Dr. Finn Illsley-Kemp.
Geological Amplifers and Dampeners
Local geology played a crucial role in modulating the intensity of the shaking. For example, sedimentary basins like the Hutt Valley amplified seismic waves, resulting in more noticeable tremors.
Fault Line Mysteries
Pinning down the exact fault line involved in this quake remains a challenge, given the intricate network of faults in the area.
"The movement of the Australian and Pacific plates against each other is a transpressional environment, gradually building the mountain ranges in the central North Island," adds GNS Science seismologist Dr. Bill Fry.
A "Quirky" Quake
Fry acknowledges the unusual characteristics of this quake that make its precise location and mechanism unclear.
Historical Precedents and Underrated Hazards
While the recent quake was relatively moderate in magnitude, seismologist Dr. Finn Illsley-Kemp highlights the region's history of major events.
"The devastating 8.2 Wairarapa Earthquake of 1855 illustrates the potential for large earthquakes along these mountain ranges, often underestimated as a hazard," he says.
Harnessing Science for Preparedness
This quake provided a valuable opportunity to test a new GNS tool, RCET (Rapid Characterization of Earthquakes and Tsunami), which aims to fully comprehend the complex three-dimensional nature of quakes.
"RCET can enhance our ability to evaluate seismic hazards, from ground shaking and tsunamis to damage to infrastructure," explains Fry.